
Episode 83 with "The Sports Gene" author David Epstein and Paul Morrissey!

It’s sports week at Probably Science, as Matt and Andy welcome David Epstein, a Sports Illustrated journalist and the author of the outstanding new book The Sports Gene, along with college basketball player-turned-comedian Paul Morrissey, to discuss the burgeoning field of sports genetics research and try to get to the bottom of how elite athletes are made.

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Episode 80 with Nick Doody!

Matt’s been out of the country, Andy’s been out of town, and Brooks just got hired to write for Saturday Night Live — those are our excuses for the delay in getting a new episode up, but luckily Matt was able to do a remote recording with the very funny Nick Doody, his co-writer on the BBC radio show Bigipedia. We’ll be back soon with more new episodes, and congratulations, Brooks!


Summer Bonus Episode!

Matt’s been in the UK and Andy’s been in Portland, so rather than leave the audience twisting in the wind for a few weeks, they decided to record some remote bonus interviews. These weren’t supposed to be very science-y, but in the course of talking with Jesse Case, Dr. Richard Flower, Dr. Anna Collu, Jeff Mounts and Emily Mounts, the discussions actually ended up having a fair amount of legitimate science, and a bit of history as well. Keep your standards low, and enjoy!


Episode 76 with Colleen Watson and Charlene Conley!

San Francisco-based comedian Colleen Watson and Portland-based festival producer/podcaster Charlene Conley herald Matt’s triumphant return from Convergence Con this week, digging into meaty topics including the vegan/goth Venn diagram overlap, Portland-based Sasquatch clubs, cutlery’s effect on flavor, and the possibility of unlimited teeth.


Episode 75 Live from Convergence Con with Dr. James Kakalios!

This week’s episode was recorded live at the 2013 Convergence Con in Minneapolis, with Matt welcoming The Physics of Superheroes author Dr. James Kakalios, Comedian Tommy Ryman and Dan Schlissel from Stand Up Records to discuss superconductors, solid state physics, things with “nano” in their titles, telescopic eyes, quantum computing, and how to transport science on a boat.

